Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog Review: aperture.org

Adam Ekberg’s “Orchestrating the Ordinary” at ClampArt


     Staging what he describes as “minor spectacles,” Adam Ekberg's creates hypnotic images by pointing mirrors toward mirrors, flashlights to flashlights, to create a variety of magical and mysterious lighting situations, in otherwise mundane spaces.  A curiously placed disco ball illuminating a snowy mountainside creates this known and yet fairytale like world.  Adam's work “Orchestrating the Ordinary” was on exhibit at ClampArt in New York City. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Blog Review: NYT Art & Design

Banksy Releases New Works on Gaza

      Renowned graffiti artist Banksy revealed his latest work yesterday via Instagram tagging the photos "#Gaza". The work consists of fatigued figures amidst the remains and rubble of a city.  These pieces are portrayed in a desolate war driven environment. A particular cute kitten can also be found within the debris, because “on the Internet people only look at pictures of kittens" Banksy explained. 
     His work engages the viewer to look at what is really happening here. Inviting a new audience to witness and act accordingly to the powerful images he brings into a new light. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blog Review: Bradly Kerl

Bradley Kerl: Blind Arcade

      With influences a cool decade old, Kerl's contemporary twist uses vibrant colors with a minimalist aesthetic. 
     "Blind Arcade, is a phrase that describes an architectural decorative element: an arched colonnade that appears to inhabit deep space and provide passageway but is, in fact, blocked off."  - Risa Puleo
     Although the work is visually minimalistic from afar, upon a closer look the attention to detail is evident. In his piece titled:  "Pitch" numerous shades of black that make up the chain link fence.  More of his work can be found here.
                   Bradley Kerl, <em>Pitch</em> 2014
Bradley Kerl, Pitch 2014

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lenscratch review: Michelle Rodgers

     With a MFA in Photography from Lesley University College of Art, Michelle Rodgers' newest work is on exhibition at Portrait/Process in St. Louis at the International Photography Hall of Fame Museum. The work titled "Those Whose Hands And Hearts Are Pure", intensely depicted figures in a rather dark antiqued manner. Beauty with a hint of self mutilation invites the viewer to wonder about the past of the figures.

 Michelle Rodgers: "Untitled" Black and White Photograph/Tin Type